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An Interfaith Congregation Founded in 2003. We are Seeking a New Minister! Subscribe to New Posts. Keep Aiken Warm Knit and Crochet Group.
Directions from your current location. Gary Smart performs Claude Debussy. Gary Smart performs Claude Debussy. What to Expect in Worship.
What to Expect When You Visit. Visiting with Children and Youth. Southeast District of the UUA. Helping Children and Youth Connect at Church.
Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists located in Harrisonburg Virginia. Mark your calendars for April 9th at 9 am All members, friends and guests welcome in the Shared Ministry room.
Hard Hats and Life Preservers. Every Sunday of the year we welcome people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, political persuasions and economic classes to join us here as we change lives through compassion, service and fellowship. Emphasizing the goodness of all people.
Summer Youth Camp Registration is open. Looking for a Unitarian Universalist experience for your youth this summer? Consider the UU Summer Camps at Shelter Neck. Pete Leary Camp Scholarship Fund. Has been established to provide tuition assistance to Summer Youth Camp Students. Donations from individuals and congregations are gladly accepted through Paypal. 3747 Croomsbridge Road, Burgaw, NC. The Universalist Convention of North Carolina, Inc.
Join the UU SGM Network! Link to our site. Basic Elements Of Small Group Ministry. Is updated at least monthly, closer to the middle of the month. Also participate in the SGM Facebook Group. For ongoing updates and information. The May 2015 Covenant Group News.
Unitarian Universalists in the Tidewater VA Region. Southern Region of the UUA. To direct our spiritual partnerships toward building a just and peaceful world. As a cluster of seven UU congregations in eastern Virginia, we share knowledge, skills, and resources in order to strengthen our individual congregations and increase our collective influence in promoting UU principles both in the Commonwealth of Virginia and throughout our nation and the world. Southern Region of the UUA. Each of the 1,041 congre.
Southern Region of the UUA
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Jacksonville, FL, 32258
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Üdvözöljük a SÉD-GLASS BT oldalán! Üvegkár esetén számláinkat bármely biztosító elfogadja. Az AEGON Biztosító ügyfelei részére külön kedvezmény, hogy minden ügyintézéstől mentesülnek, csupán be kell jelenteni a kárt a biztosítónak vagy cégünknek és rövid időn belül megtörténik a javítás. A munka elvégzéséről csak aláírást kérünk , a többit mi intézzük. Teljeskörű lakossági üvegezés, biztosítós számlára is. Hőszigetelő üveg gyártás, beépítés. Tükrök méretre vágása, beépítése.
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